Thursday, February 14, 2013

TEFL / TESOL Jobs and Opportunites

We have a new page here on our blog aimed at providing leads for qualified English teachers who are looking for work internationally. Check out the "TEFL / TESOL Jobs and Opportunities"  tab above, to view our current list of recommended recruiters and schools. 

The list is by no means exhaustive and we will be adding to it and updating it on a regular basis, with the eventual hope that it will become a great resource for English teachers who are looking for work overseas. If you have suggestions for reliable recruiters or good teaching opportunities out there, please send them through to us for inclusion.

School outing  - Taiwan (photo courtesy of Steven Clegg)

To find out more about becoming a TEFL/TESOL qualified teacher, visit this page for a summary of the courses we offer, or request a call back through the enquiry form on the website.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate language learning experiences. The fact that i read so much, and so profoundly, demonstrates the high level of your English.

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